The German EU Presidency does not benefit Morocco very much

German Government Leader Angela Merkel and King Mohammed VI of Morocco in Paris

From 1 July this year until the end of December 2020, Berlin takes over the Presidency of the European Union. Rabat has no advanced relations with this European giant; even current relations are very cold. The question is how this will affect Morocco’s interests in Europe.
The beginning was a hard blow, Berlin refuses to accept the entry of Moroccans into Germany despite the fact that the EU has chosen Morocco among the 15 countries whose citizens can enter European countries after the opening of the borders. This decision is due to Germany’s lack of confidence in the data provided by the Moroccan state and the fact that it has not yet succeeded in controlling the Coronavirus.
On the other hand, the presidency of a northern European country in the EU does not always benefit Morocco, but the opposite is true when the presidency is held by a southern European country such as Spain, Portugal and Italy in addition to France.
In reality, Morocco is not a priority on the German agenda because of bilateral relations that have not developed qualitatively. For example, Morocco is not a priority on the German agenda because of bilateral relations that have not developed qualitatively. Angela Merkel has been head of the German government since 2005, and in 15 years she has never made an official visit to Morocco.

Regarding the positive and negative impacts of the German EU Presidency on Morocco, Alifpost’s analysis is as follows First of all, Germany wants the southern Mediterranean countries to benefit from the European Marshall Plan, the 750 billion euros intended to boost the European economy. Because it wants to avoid a belt south of the countries plunged into poverty because of the Coronavirus. Madrid and Paris support this policy, which will greatly benefit Morocco. Secondly, Germany wants to reach a consensus on a migration pact within the EU in order to agree on criteria for political and humanitarian asylum. This is a matter of concern for the EU, which fears that the crisis generated by the Coronavirus could push hundreds of thousands of young Africans to opt for immigration. Berlin criticises Rabat for refusing to accept Moroccans who have been illegally present in Europe, particularly in Germany, for the past five years. Thirdly, Germany wants to find a solution to the Libyan conflict, but will not count on Morocco. It has already marginalised Rabat at the Berlin Summit last January, which led Morocco to protest strongly. Experience has shown that when a country from northern or eastern Europe leads the EU, Morocco loses out. That is why, after Germany, Morocco has to wait for the presidency of Portugal, a friendly country that is particularly sensitive to relations with the southern shore of the Mediterranean.

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