Prince Hicham: saving education from degradation is saving the future of the Moroccan nation

Prince Hicham, cousin of King Mohamed VI
Prince Hicham, cousin of King Mohamed VI, published a tweet stressing that Morocco could lose the compass of progress if it does not save as soon as possible the teaching of the deterioration it suffers.
In his tweet on Sunday, March 24, he said: “We can disagree on the role of state institutions because of political differences, but this disagreement should not affect education, not only requires consensus and unanimity, on the contrary, it requires a precise and rigorous scientific vision.
He stressed the importance of education for the country and the nation “education is the compass of the Moroccan nation that would keep the rift away, threatening ethnic, cultural and social coexistence”. He also calls in his tweet for “a national conference to develop a national plan to save this strategic sector. A national conference bringing together various stakeholders to address educational issues is necessary to ensure the future of present and future generations.
He said that Morocco has missed some opportunities, undoubtedly underlining the failure of the democratic transition, but he considered that the loss of the role of education would be catastrophic for Morocco’s future. With a warning tone: “Yes, Morocco has lost many opportunities in its history, but education is the only opportunity it must not lose if it wants to achieve the train of progress and dignity for the people”.
The Prince is publishing this Tweet at a time when the education sector in Morocco is going through a deep crisis unprecedented in the last three decades. A crisis resulting from a lack of strategic vision, misappropriation of public funds and implementation of IMF recommendations.
In this regard, contract teachers are engaged in a series of strikes to claim their material and moral rights. About 50,000 of them protested on Saturday evening in Rabat. Instead of seeking a solution, the Moroccan state intervened violently to put an end to the demonstration. The unions have announced a three-day strike to protest against the violence.

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